Why You Need To Be An Artist

We are made, according to the Christian scriptures, in the image of God. A God who created the heavens and the earth; who created humanity, flora and fauna; who created the concept of language and communication; who created emotions and community.

God is astoundingly creative.

When you look up in the night sky and see the moon and stars, did you know that every single star you see is bigger than our own sun? Yet because they are so far away, they are simply pinpoints against the backdrop of a dark maw stretching farther than any of us has the capacity to comprehend.

Why would God create such astoundingly enormous universe in which to place humanity? The scriptures suggest is may have been simply to demonstrate God's greatness to us. That's an incredible amount of creativity to send me a message.

A message we didn't even fully appreciate until the advent of the scientific era where we could understand how far away there heavenly bodies resided. The images we see from the Hubble telescope are astounding and point to the creativing of a God who didn't simply cut and paste over and over again, but has placed (pardon the pun) Easter eggs all around the galaxy for us to discover.

I believe that when we are told that we have been created in the image of this God, it means that we are are intended to be creators. Not of galaxies and stars and lifeforms, but of the things which we are able to manipulate.

I believe that when we are told that we have been created in the image of this God, it means that we are are intended to be creators. 

I'm thinking of the materials available to us in artistic creation.

First, (and in no particular order), the visual arts, which includes photography, drawing, painting and ceramics.

Also including literature, which includes any and all types of writing: journaling, playwriting, novels and short stories, poems, etc)

Finally, the performing arts, such as dance, theater and music

Here's why I believe you need to be creating within one or more of the arts: you have a story to tell.

I know that because I believe every person has a story, and I believe that every person should share their story.

As individuals, we are enriched when we gain new perspectives to living in this world. It is only if you share that story with me that I am able to gain that perspective.

If mothers do not share what it is like to be a mother, how would I, as a man, ever get a glimpse of that reality?

If a person who battles with depression never helps me understand the heavy weight with which they live feels like, how can appreciate the valiant struggle of millions who deal with these issues on a daily basis?

And if those who live with hope and optimism do not share the reasons for that hope and optimism, I'm missing out on the opportunity to share in such hope and positive outlook.

Too often, we have become dedicated consumer of the creations of others, letting professionals alone stand on the various stages in our society and share their stories. I have no problem with enjoying the stories and music we find on Spotify, in movie theaters and on Netflix, but if you spend your entire life as a consumer, no one will ever have the chance to learn from your perspective.

Too often, we have become dedicated consumer of the creations of others, letting professionals alone stand on the various stages in our society and share their stories. If you spend your entire life as a consumer, no one will ever have the chance to learn from your perspective.

I'm not asking you to take up photography or learn an instrument or start a blog because you're going to be rich and famous. The odds are stacked against any one of us gaining such notoriety, but neither is fame and fortune the measure of success for any one of us as a creator.

The goal is for us to share our story, that it would enrich the tapestry of humanity by adding to the narrative we all share in. Perhaps only your closest friends and loved ones will ever read your play or watch the dances you upload to Youtube. That's okay. The act of creating something connects you with who you were made to be: a creator.

If you're nervous about doing this, good. At least you're listening and considering it. 

Let me tell you a quick story about me: I played some sports in High School (mostly baseball), and doing so kept me in pretty decent shape. I did not go on to play sports in college, and having moved away from all my friends, I didn't do much of anything in the way of physical activity anymore.

I thought about running some races to keep in shape, but I didn't sign up for any. The reason? I knew I wouldn't win. Thousands of people enter races and while I can run at a pretty good pace, I knew that there would be people faster than me. I hate losing, so I didn't join the races.

Unsurprisingly, I grew to be out of shape. In my late 20s, I decided I needed to do something about it.  I signed up for an adventure race. I hated knowing I wouldn't win, but I hated being badly out of shape even more than that.

I ran the race after months of training, turning in a strong time, but not coming close to the best time for the day or even my age bracket. And I didn't care. I was on the way to getting into the best shape of my life. 

I ran bigger and crazier races and got into my best shape ever. It was incredibly satisfying. I didn't care that other people could finish faster than me, I knew that I was functioning at my best possible level while having several jobs and multiple kids to juggle with a training schedule.

When my goal no longer involved "being better than everybody else",  I was free to be my best. 

There will always be people who write better than you, or dance better than you, or play an instrument better than you, or paint or draw better than you. Do it anyways. You're not in competition with them. You're telling your story, and only you can do that.

There will always be people who write better than you, or dance better than you, or play an instrument better than you, or paint or draw better than you. Do it anyways. You're not in competition with them. You're telling your story, and only you can do that.

If you don't have the skills to express your story in any of the artistic expressions, hire a tutor to develop that ability. It's an investment into yourself. It took time and effort for me to learn to play guitar and sing. I'm still never going to play and sing as well as Ed Sheeran, but that doesn't matter. Wow, that actually hurt to write more than I was expecting. Just...just gimme a minute here.......okay, I'm good now. I'm also not the author that Don Miller is, but I'm not going to let that stop me from writing.

Your story matters because you matter. Don't let us miss out on your story because you didn't think it was special enough. We're all living through the mundane mediocrity of this life and the stories of others are a powerful way to enrich our daily lives. It gives us a chance to connect at a deeper level than simple 'how's the weather' type conversations. I'd much rather ask, 'why do you dance', or 'what's your favorite thing to take pictures of?'

You were made in the image of a God who is a creator, so go ahead, start creating. 

Everyone should share their story, and I for one look forward to getting a chance to hear some of it!

(A version of this story originally appeared on IAmSecond.com)